

Champ de travail Business Intelligence | Data Science
Emplacement Brussels, BE
Taux € 75 par heure
Vues du profil 1524
Florian Nicolas CV - Business Intelligence - BI

Document: Florian Nicolas CV - Business Intelligence - BI

Holding multiple skills in Business Intelligence and Data Science, my professional target goal is to work for a private or public institution/company that holds a politic focused on the resources performance and high-level quality of results; that could recruit me for complex/ dynamic projects and with open-minded, optimist and ambitious BI profiles. Such as a Senior BI Consultant (able to analyze, develop, integrate and test BI solutions) or BI Project Manager; being a strong and versatile worker; graduated from universities departments specialized BI and Statistics, I still have the BI high interest because it’s a nice combination between the data treatments/programming and statistics.

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